G-Suite Srls - as Data Controller - is a blog of ideas that can be consulted on the website at the link www.www.g-lab.cloud The following information describes to the user the treatments performed as part of the navigation of the website of the owner.
Type of data collected and processed
G-Suite Srls, as Data Controller, collects a) data that allows the user to be identified, such as the IP address and domain names of the computer; b) information relating to the actions performed by the user when browsing the website; c) data relating to the preferences expressed by the user in the browsing experience. The user can provide their personal data for the use of other services of the Data Controller: in this case, explicit reference is made to the information in the respective information collection forms. The website uses different types of cookies - which are text files that are automatically generated on the user's computer following navigation - among which it is possible to identify:
- session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed or which are registered and stored on the user's computer, in the event that, for example, it is necessary to make access to a reserved area automatic (in this case the user can therefore choose whether to store your credentials in one of these text files);
- analytical cookies (own or third party), which are used to collect aggregate information on the number of connected users and on how the site is used.
- profiling cookies, with the function of sending commercial messages based on the preferences expressed by the user when navigating the site and its sections.
Below are the cookies used by G-Suite Srls:
Google Analytics (Google Analytics _ga, Google Analytics _gid, Google Analytics _gat): informativa al link https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ |
Google Adwords: informativa al link https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ |
Google Search Console: informativa al link https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ |
Facebook (Facebook datr, Facebook fr, Facebook locale): informativa al link https://it-it.facebook.com/policies/cookies/ |
Twitter: informativa al link https://help.twitter.com/it/rules-and-policies/twitter-cookies |
Youtube (Youtube _ga): informativa al link https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ |
LinkedIn: informativa al link https://www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy |
Google+: informativa al link https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ |
The user can prevent the installation of cookies by configuring the browser according to the following instructions:
- Su Internet Explorer, cliccare sulla voce “Strumenti” della Barra dei menù e poi sulla sottovoce “Opzioni Internet”. Infine accedere alle impostazioni della scheda “Privacy” per modificare le preferenze relative ai cookies.
- Su Firefox, cliccare sulla voce “Strumenti” della Barra dei menù e poi sulla sottovoce “Opzioni”. Infine accedere alle impostazioni della voce “Privacy” per modificare le preferenze relative ai cookies.
- Su Chrome, digitare “chrome://settings/content” nella barra degli indirizzi (senza virgolette) e modificare le impostazioni relative ai cookies come si desidera.
- Su Safari, selezionare la voce “Preferenze” e poi scegliere “Privacy”. Nella sezione Blocca Cookie specificare come Safari deve accettare i cookie dai siti internet.
- Se si usa Safari su dispositivi portatili, come iPhone e iPad, è necessario invece agire in questo modo: andare sulla voce “impostazioni” del dispositivo e in seguito trovare “Safari” sul menù di sinistra. Da qui, alla voce “Privacy e sicurezza”, sarà possibile gestire le opzioni sui Cookie.